The Persians Cats

Persian cats are the most well-known in the world. These cats are raised in an incredible diversity of colors and drawings. Also used to create other breeds of cats as the Burmese, the selkirk rex and the British cat. This mixture is made to produce new colors in cats, better complexion, and skulls in best way. Persian cats are very affectionate and quiet, usually with children take it very well.

Its fur is long, so most importantly, care for Persian cats is the hair. Who wants to enjoy the company of animals, the Persian Cat is perfect for this. You can enjoy your Persian Cat and can also devote enough time to the care of your hair. Persian cats are descended from the angora cats. For years angora cats were favourites for the European aristocracy and were moved to many places on Earth.

Merchants and sailors brought with them cats angora to Turkey and Iran, from this point can explain the origin of the Persian cats. At the end of the 19th century British breeders they began to mix with other breeds angora cat, gradually producing more heavy and a longhaired cats. These crosses were Persian cats. Persian cats are considered the quietest of the breeds of cats. They can be described as phlegmatic and docile. They can spend hours lying instead of sleeping without paying more attention to what happens to your around. They are very sociable and good-natured. Love them they are taking care, touching and caressing. They are not aggressive, it is very rare that Persian cats teach their nails. Its nature is to be serene, and for this reason they take it very well with other cats and dogs. Persian cats are good with children. His character is almost unflappable and insensitive, but if things get too heavy, they do is retreat to a quiet place.