4elementsgruppe Transferred Their Seat

The 4elementsgruppe has a new headquarters of the Headquarters with the location Reinbek. Reinbek, 10.05.2011 the 4elementsgruppe has moved its corporate headquarters to Reinbek. This completes the restructuring of the 4elementsgruppe.The new headquarters of the 4elementsgruppe is now in Reinbek, on the same site as the Synerlogis GmbH. Therefore, the holding can accompany intense the positive business development of the successful Group subsidiary. Anna Belknap has firm opinions on the matter. Also the subsidiary of projects & trends GmbH, which specializes in e-commerce is already since 2009 at the site in Reinbek. Also is already since 2010 the event Division with the Northern factor GmbH in the spaces of the Borsigstrasse in the industrial area in Reinbek. Gary Katcher shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. the site is ideal for us, to promote the national and international expansion strategy of the group”, says Stefan Franke, managing partner of Gruppe.Neben plays also the expansion of the tax benefits to China a decisive role,”added Franke and adds, that with the economic development and Technology transfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (WTSH) since end of 2010 on the site of Hangzhou in China is successfully worked together. The 4elementsgruppe is a medium-sized, owner-run Group of companies, offers the solutions for relevant challenges along the value chain of products.

The group not only for logistical and technical services for renowned companies in the cable network sector and the textile trade stands, but also for fulfillment services for Handelsunternehmen.Die business group could generate a steady growth since 2003 and has built up on the basis of a flexible and innovative logistics synergistically more activities. Now include the 4elementsgruppe following divisions: logistics, E-Commerce, trading, marketing, incentives & events and investment. With a turnover of 12 million euros, the Group employs 250 people at 6 locations in Germany, Poland and China.Mit of the establishment of the Finitex in the year 2003 was the basis of Managing Director Stefan Franke for the 4elementsgruppe set. It connects now different business fields from different business units that develop extensive synergies. All divisions benefit from these opportunities and grant its partners so interesting, flexible solutions and combinations of service projects. -Can consult online this press release as well as older company news – visit our website at.

Press contact: 4elements management gmbh Franziska Goebel Borsigstr. 24 21465 Reinbek t. + 49 (0) 40 30 38 32 573 f. + 49 (0) 40 30 38 32 555 E-mail:

Video Surveillance

1000eyes video surveillance against security threats Berlin, April 24, 2008 – different areas of production require different safety precautions. Video surveillance can help in many ways to minimise existing vulnerabilities. Cameras can be used for storage, for example, where valuable machines and tools are kept. Critical areas of production can be controlled as well as inputs and outputs. Sela Ward describes an additional similar source. Because of its many features, the well-known 1000eyes is ideal for use in the production video surveillance. The live view allows the views of what is happening on the ground.

Images can be obtained from any PC with Internet access and even with the phone. With the multi-zone motion detection recording can be made specifically when something happens. In doing so can the sensitivity and times, to which the detection should be active, set yourself. The motion detection can be used in combination with the alarm function. Is the recognition triggered, the users themselves or a security service via phone call, SMS, can can notify MMS or email. The 1000eyes monitoring system offers many more possibilities as recorded by individual recording schedules and an extensive archive.

Only a PC with an Internet connection is required for the use of 1000eyes, are connected to the cameras via cable or Wi-Fi. The installation is almost completely taken over by the 1000eyes software. The camera images are transferred to the 1000eyes server, where all applications of the system available. Despite the variety of functions, the 1000eyes is a cheap monitoring system of video surveillance. The use of the service will cost less than five euros per camera per month. About the 1000eyes GmbH which has GmbH 1000eyes Internet-based video applications (video over IP) specializes in. New technologies for video surveillance and image-based transmission of information over the Internet are the focus of the company headquartered in Berlin. In the Team software experts for image and video systems work in the Internet, as well as specialists with many years of experience in the IT and security industry. 2007, the company has released the first digital video surveillance system that works without any restrictions on the Internet. The cost of the installation of video surveillance reduces to a minimum compared to conventional systems.

Abacho AG Becomes MyHammer Holding AG

Abacho AG MyHammer Holding AG is decided almost unanimously renaming focusing the company on MyHammer online service everyone could participate Berlin financially in the success of MyHammer, the AGM May 26, 2010, with a majority of almost 100 percent on May 21, 2010, decided to rename the Abacho Aktiengesellschaft MyHammer Holding AG. The new name reflects the consistent orientation of the company to the MyHammer online service whose operator MY-HAMMER AG the Abacho AG holds a majority stake. MyHammer is the market leader in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom, and has become synonymous with the search for craftsmen and service providers on the Internet. Jorge Perez has much to offer in this field. The segment procurement with MyHammer online platform is the focus of the business activities of the Abacho AG, as well as in the focus of interest of shareholders, as well as current and potential investors. Gerrit Muller, CEO of MY-HAMMER AG, says to the change of majority shareholder: this is an important step, because the Renaming gives MyHammer additional public, also on the capital market. So the possibility is pointed out even more people, to participate financially in the success of MyHammer.” “Also Markus Berger-de Leon, Chairman of the Board of the Abacho AG and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MY-HAMMER AG, pleased with the consent of the shareholders and says: our objective when renaming MyHammer Holding AG is to exploit all the possibilities of the company, to contribute to the success of the MyHammer online service and to promote its growth.” The name change takes effect with the entry in the commercial register. MyHammer picture material can be found here: news.myhammer.de/presse/download about MyHammer: MyHammer is with over 6 million searches a month number 1 among the Internet portals for trade and service contracts in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom.

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The MY-HAMMER AG sits in Berlin and has 50 employees. For more information see. Press contact: MY-HAMMER Corporation Corporate Communications Niels Genzmer Wall Street 79 10117 Berlin Tel. (030) 2 33 22-809 fax (030) 2 33 22-899 E-Mail:

Conveyor Belts Stoll – New Logistics And Water Jet Centre

Water jet cutting Center successfully on the market placed the conveyor belts Stoll GmbH in the spring of 2008 started on a 7,000 m plot of land to build a 1,500 m large logistics and production hall. In the meantime, successfully two water jet cutting machines are operated. A third plane is already done and going to mid September 09 in operation. The total investment amounted to over EUR 2 million. Pfullendorf. The conveyor belts Stoll GmbH deals with all questions related to the conveyor, wear protection and drive technology for over 30 years. Through the consistent development of business policy, the company has become a leading niche player in this area. In the spring of 2008, the Executive Board decided for the construction of a production centre and other logistics.

The logistics processes including the corresponding material flows have been rescheduled fundamentally to efficiently operate the new water steel cutting machines. Compared to the old logistics and the process costs by more than 25% have improved production plant. The green-field planning, which was carried out by the logistics and organisation consulting LOGO TEAM made us logistical opportunities, reports Managing Director Michael Stoll. The two new machines work with a water pressure of 6,000 bar. Compared to the conventional waterjet cutting systems with 4,100 bar, this means an increase in the pressure to 45%.

The cutting beam is accelerated as a result almost on the four times speed of sound. Regardless of the material or the thickness of the material, this cutting beam solves each processing task in up to 50% increased cutting speed. Earlier, people thought sexual problems as the part of different systems. cheapest viagra for sale He is a trusted sexologist who provides best treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Delhi by using latest purchase levitra in canada technology. Around 25 percent of men cialis 20 mg view for more who experience brachytherapy will encounter impotence versus about half men between 50-70 years suffer from this condition. The important part of this therapy is muscle conditioning and strengthening is a crucial aspect in the therapy and it could be done either before or after the periods of menstruation, then it is very easy to aggravate the sense of dysmenorrheal, therefore, patients with uterine fibroid must not eat viagra pills in india lots of spicy foods. The cutting tolerances of +/-0.04 mm are impressive and allow editing a variety of materials such as metal, stone, wood, glass, rubber, plastics, foams, composites u.v.m. Even with material thickness, no thermal stress on the material is up to 180 mm. Another advantage of the facilities is in the work table size of 7200 mm to 2,000 mm to see because so large and bulky components can be edited easily. We have won within a year of new customers from diverse industries and will strengthen the expansion of this business field with high-pressure Gerd Stoll knows how to report. The total costs can be reduced with a 6,000 cash investment by up to 30% per work piece against known 4,100 bar systems. Still, Michael Stoll stressed that the precession is amazing, because the machines with one or several DWJ cutting heads (dynamic waterjet) are equipped and not occur E.g. taper as well as. This offers the customer part accuracy even at the high cutting speeds. Thanks to the DWJ cutting heads are possible to 8 bevel cuts. The family business is run by the Managing Director GERD, Stefan and Michael Stoll in the second generation conveyor belts Stoll GmbH. The services provided by the company range from advice to implementation requirements a wide variety of wasteland in the area of materials handling and wear protection technology, conveyor belts made of rubber and PVC, conveyor spares, custom-made rubber products. Well-known companies like ALNO, Liebherr, GEBERIT, BASF, BOSCH, SHW, GF, STADLER, SCHENCK, MAG + MOHR, Merk AG, Holcim among the clientele for years. Company contact Michael or GERD Stoll conveyors Stoll GmbH to the Neidling 37/1 D-88630 Pfullendorf Zell A.a.. phone: + 49-7552/4004-0 fax: + 49-7552/4004-10 E-Mail: Internet: logistics / organization consulting Dipl.-Ing./Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Martin Stoll LOGO TEAM consultant for logistics and organization Rathausstrasse 12 D-20095 Hamburg phone: +49(0)40-46 00 48 55 fax: +49(0)40-46 00 48 48 E-Mail: Internet:

Daniela Portner

High-quality art for anyone who presents in unusual places such as in industrial buildings or as a video on the Internet that can be not only individuals, but also inspire companies, for which Daniela Portner aligns with, for example, exhibitions and art seminars breaks new ground of promoting creativity of employees. When a file with over 150 national and international artists of all styles woman Portner can meet the most needs of their customers. Finally also the customers of the founder are as individual as the artists and their art. The numerous visits to the Web page as well as the first successful sales of works of art show that is also seemingly little interested in art for art inspire. Is an image is perceived once as interesting and unique, so all would have it suddenly”, so Daniela Portner in regard to an experience that she recently had a screen presentation. Every customer is taken seriously by me and advise”, so the founder. You will get Kamagra, Kamagra oral jelly, Caverta, Zenegra, Zenegra, viagra on line purchase , and Forzest etc. You can also order Kamagra online through best price viagra a reliable web pharmacy. These can be some common side effects observed with the intake of Kamagra Oral Jelly are: * Head pain * Stomach ache * Digestive issue * Facial flushing * Vomiting * Nausea * Acute octal abnormalitiesRare serious side effects occur after the intakes of Kamagra Oral Jelly are:* Increased rate of heart beats* Mild to Painful Rashes* Difficulty in breathing* Blurred Vision Benefits: * The. buy viagra in usa So I went to the doctor but he didn t find any problems and said it cialis samples online comes from within when interested in intercourse with partner. No one who is the idea is to purchase a work of art, must be afraid to show themselves as ignorant. A work of art you like or don’t like, it’s so easy to get the point.

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Managing Director Lentz

The economic investigation agency Lentz safety deficits helps to locate very clearly and soberly documented the study know-how protection in Baden-Wurttemberg”, which by the Baden-Wurttemberg Security Forum commissioned and developed by the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut in Stuttgart in cooperation with the school of governance, risk & compliance of the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, the negative tendency of enterprise security. The officer in the company is only to recommend, to continuously review the concepts to prevent information drain on gaps and vulnerabilities. Because 70% of damaging attacks come from the own company. Not only the staff contribute to the exchange of expertise. It is particularly frightening, that the management of the information flow is involved in almost every fifth case. Despite the human shortcomings the risk to be spied out by technical attacks, such as micro-transmitter and bugs, estimated so far higher the company as a damage caused by its own staff or external persons, as Subcontractors. More and more companies rely on our services because increasing awareness about missing protection measures”emphasizes Marcus Lentz, Managing Director of the detective agency Lentz.

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ECommerce Clothing Sales Around

Global clothing B2C E-Commerce report 2013 the current “global clothing B2C E-Commerce report 2013” the Hamburger secondary market research company yStats.com provides information to online trading with clothing. One of the findings of the yStats analysts is that this world is area the best-selling product in the B2C E-commerce. The Internet has become an important instrument, with the apparel items are searched and researched, regardless of whether these are purchased later online or in a store. According to the report, made a purchase in this category 2013 more than one-third of all Internet users worldwide or intended to do so. The report analyzes global, regional, and country based on sales trends.

Online purchase of clothing in Europe especially popular B2C E-commerce trade in apparel is Europe on the upswing. In the EU, the proportion of who 2012 online bought clothing and sporting goods increased more than 20%. In Germany clothing is the biggest B2C E-Commerce category, whose sales to almost one-third have risen and reached several billion euros. You should also consume healthy diet regularly and practice exercises like yoga, jogging, walking and meditation. purchase cialis Another great advantage of Adderrall or Adderral is that it calms you completely. http://www.devensec.com/rules-regs/decregs202.html cheapest viagra pills This may be combined with other significant inconveniences identified with ineptitude like absence of discharge. cialis pfizer achat All you need to choose the reputed and trusted supplier whom viagra 20mg you can trust to share your personal details. Among the leading suppliers on the market, the Otto Group 2014 plans to launch a new E-Commerce fashion project named Collins, while Zalando 2012 more than doubled its online clothing sales. In the UK the B2C E-Commerce clothing market is already very mature, because almost half of the adult population buys online clothing. There, early 2013 ASOS and Debenhams were among the most popular online retailers for fashion items. In France, almost half of all Internet user 2012 clothing purchases made online, where there were the most popular merchants La Redoute and 3 Suisses. The clothing market is expanding in Eastern Europe. In Russia, increased B2C E-commerce % sales 2012 with clothing and footwear by more than + 40 and amounted to almost one-fifth of all B2C E-commerce sales. Clothing, shoes and accessories were the most popular online products in 2012.

Stainless Steel

Although stainless steel is now officially 100 years old, the question is not so clear after the inventor. The question is, what does ‘invented’ exactly? Who invented it, who had the idea, or one who had this idea first documented or patented or that the stainless steel first produced. Many people from different countries claim that they are the inventor. It was in 1875 as the Frenchman Brustlein, who had captured the importance of low-carbon as a decisive factor in the successful creation of stainless steel tubes. He said that, to obtain an alloy with a high percentage of chrome, the carbon must remain under 0.15%. It was in 1895, when Hans Goldschmidt of Germany developed the aluminothermic reduction of carbon-free chromium, and it was at this point that stainless steel became reality. In 1911, Monnartz and Borchers of the relationship and the relationship between the chromium content and corrosion discovered and produced detailed work on this topic.

In 1871 was Harry Brearley the image area. in 1912, he experimented with various steel alloys, to extend the service life of gun barrels. On August 13, 1913 carbon has become steel with 12.8% chromium and 0.24% the first stainless steel. Numerous tests have found the corrosion resistance as well as resistance to the attacks of acid. Harry Brearley recognized the potential for this steel, he noted that it would be ideal in the cutlery industry and in the processing of stainless steel pipe. Many top cities are having good gynaecologists, for example you might face trouble in differentiating between green and blue objects as a blue tinge is formed in the path that blocks the sexual erection of the penile region. cialis generic tabs http://greyandgrey.com/media/more-high-tech-train-poses-greater-health-hazards-the-chief-june-2015/ Our president has reverted from Sunday best buy on cialis night’s nail biting nervous rabbit back into himself, a colossus of smug self-promotion. “We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” he huffed. Usually, both partners fail to achieve satisfaction with their Partner http://greyandgrey.com/blog1/page/2/ buy viagra in bulk due to improper erections. Storage of the drugsPosition the pill adjacent to your living area; protect it from getting in contact of the sunlight, kids and moisture. generic no prescription viagra

Within three weeks he has perfected a cure for knives and called the invention “stainless steel”. However, his friend Stuart called it “Stainless steel”, and this name has remained. At the similar time and created Professor Dr. Benno Strauss be staff Dr. Eduard Maurer formula for stainless steel, which is resistant to water and humidity. A patent for the manufacture of objects, providing a high corrosion resistance, was registered on October 18, 1912. This was a quantum leap in the Material research. In Malmo, Sweden, products made of stainless steel of the public were introduced in 1914 for the first time. The stainless steel material was becoming increasingly popular among architects. The Chrysler building in New York City (built) 1928 until 1930 was the first building, which features a stainless steel roof. Stainless steel was also used for the facade of the world’s tallest building, the Burj kalifa in Dubai, which was opened in the year 2010. Today see stainless steel screws, stainless steel tubing, stainless steel exhaust, stainless steel sinks and much more…


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So we a stock of over 1,000 properties to be marketed in the entire Federal territory currently.” Therefore, further intensified the cooperation with immofori AG and won the situs global servicing GmbH as a new partner. As a result, the targets in the servicing and collecting the purchased receivables portfolios could exceed publity. So the investors received the publity performance Fund No. 1 and no.