Confronting Feel

Anyone who considers a pet (pets) such as a friend, a companion, or a family member, knows the intense pain that accompanies the loss of that friend. Below are some tips to help you with this duel, and the difficult decisions that you must deal with the loss of a pet. Is it madness to suffer so much? The intense grief for the loss of a pet (pets) is normal and natural. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is silly, crazy you feel sad. During the years spent together (though not many), pets (pets) has established itself as a constant in your life, and a significant part of it. It was a source of companionship and joy, unconditional love and acceptance, and happiness. Not surprise you then that you feel devastated by the loss of that relationship. The people who don’t understand the link between the pet and its owner probably will not understand your pain.

Everything matters, however, is how you feel. Don’t let others dictate your feelings. These are valid and can be very painful. But remember, you are not alone. Thousands of pet owners have gone through the same thing. What should I expect feel? Different people experience grief in different ways. Apart from the sadness and sense of loss, it is possible for you to experience some of the following emotions: the guilt, can occur if you feel responsible for the death of your pet (pets).

.If syndrome would have only been more careful… It makes no sense and is often an error loading the blame of the accident or disease that took the life of your pet. Only makes your grief harder to solve. Denial makes it difficult to accept that your pet is really gone. It is hard to imagine that your pet no longer you receive when you arrive home, or that you don’t have to serve their meals.


They are the workers of the knowledge, who are occupying today 40% of the new labor force, I call workers FRAGMENTALES, so that the work and its personal life fragment between, forming a perfect balance, between its professional development and its particular life. The FRAGMENTALES know their activities perfectly, do not require of supervisors, on the contrary; they contribute new forms to develop its work, in addition, they enjoy its free time, they fragment between the work and its home, obtaining a healthy personal development. It is a labor force described, based on the knowledge, exponentially superior to the labor force traditional cradle in tasks. The organizations based on the knowledge, allow that the company is successful and its workers also. The productivity of worker FRAGMENTAL, obtains that the system is successful. In these companies the system is to the service of the worker, and in the traditional company the one is the worker that serves the system as the company. Taking ACE inhibitors reduces the risk of diabetic cialis levitra viagra nephropathy. ESPN2 also airs live coverage of NASCAR Media Day from noon – 3 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. levitra brand 10. Thus, the injection Sustanona performed less wholesale viagra frequently. This restorative medication has been clinically affirmed for viagra uk expanding the blood stream in the penile area. The companies based on the knowledge are like a great orchestra, where each musician is a specialist, directed by a director also FRAGMENTAL who extracts his potential major. A company with collaborator FRAGMENTALES, reaches the leadership by means of the innovation exponenciando its integral productivity, (the material capital and the human capital), however, company reaches a traditional it producing only capital material (money), neglecting the human factor of the workers.

The key of the enterprise excellence is, to cultivate the potential of the person and to support its integral development work/home. The sprouting of workers FRAGMENTALES, is quickly becoming the main producer of wealth, this change is as important as the economy impelled by the industry, the sprouting of the electronics, and perhaps it is more important, since it contemplates to the human being as its main generating capital of wealth and worries about the satisfactores physical, mental and spiritual of the collaborators. This change will cause new systems of measurement, values and policies that surely will create new paradigms, where the main beneficiary will be the worker FRAGMENTAL, since the success of the company will be an assured standard, in a new era of universal progress where the global village will arrive by the side from the universal knowledge from the FRAGMENTAL the power from the ideas changes paradigms.