Confronting Feel

Anyone who considers a pet (pets) such as a friend, a companion, or a family member, knows the intense pain that accompanies the loss of that friend. Below are some tips to help you with this duel, and the difficult decisions that you must deal with the loss of a pet. Is it madness to suffer so much? The intense grief for the loss of a pet (pets) is normal and natural. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is silly, crazy you feel sad. During the years spent together (though not many), pets (pets) has established itself as a constant in your life, and a significant part of it. It was a source of companionship and joy, unconditional love and acceptance, and happiness. Not surprise you then that you feel devastated by the loss of that relationship. The people who don’t understand the link between the pet and its owner probably will not understand your pain.

Everything matters, however, is how you feel. Don’t let others dictate your feelings. These are valid and can be very painful. But remember, you are not alone. Thousands of pet owners have gone through the same thing. What should I expect feel? Different people experience grief in different ways. Apart from the sadness and sense of loss, it is possible for you to experience some of the following emotions: the guilt, can occur if you feel responsible for the death of your pet (pets).

.If syndrome would have only been more careful… It makes no sense and is often an error loading the blame of the accident or disease that took the life of your pet. Only makes your grief harder to solve. Denial makes it difficult to accept that your pet is really gone. It is hard to imagine that your pet no longer you receive when you arrive home, or that you don’t have to serve their meals.

Louis Hay

Only for 5 minutes, elije concentrrte only in the breathing. I like much the special form that Louis Hay must to meditate; she initiates the meditation with the question what is what I need to know? Surely your being will show to you the answer at some time of that day or the subsequent days. It listens to that the universe signals to you, there is the key. 7) Reconcete. It recognizes your profits, everything what you have secured east year by smaller and insignificant than it seems to you. You have accompanied some in a while difficult friend? reconcete by that time of quality that you have offered him.

You have managed to present/display some project in your work? Reconcete! You have managed to begin to reflect about what you really want in your life? Reconcete! You have obtained an ascent? Reconcete! You have traveled to some place to rest only by a weekend? Reconcete! You have offered to more time and of quality to your children and your pair him? Reconcete! You have found a that spectacular job that as much you wanted! Reconcete! You have approved important matters in the faculty? Reconcete! You have known and conquered the love that today accompanies to you? Reconcete! There are preparation an exquisite cake? Reconcete! We have so many things by which to be thankful. Escrbelas. It is thankful for the material, spiritual and intellectual privileges that they bless to you. Valralos, sintete a privileged being to enjoy them. It is thankful TO BE ALIVE! It smiles.

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