Emotional Intelligence
The person owns plenary session emotional dominion of the aspect in the situations and contexts where this factor is critical and successful solves any difficulty that appears to him, in internal harmony and with very intelligent results in relation to the others. Emotional handling with Skill. The person owns emotional skill to solve situations in the emotional scopes to which this factor is related. She presents/displays Vulnerability (Insufficiency of Emotional Intelligence). The person is vulnerable emotionally before certain type of situations and, therefore she feels very affected and incapable to suitably solve the problems in that specific area. Caution must be had.
This means that definitively the factor of emotional intelligence is below the minimum limits and, therefore, if the person faces situations in which this factor is critical, most probable it is than problems are generated. This creates chances to increase the cGMP level and causes men’s muscles to get buy sildenafil online relaxed. It easily get viagra no prescription gets melted inside the mouth and act quickly contrasted with the normal stores in terms of price, convenience, different choices available and variety. Medications used to levitra prices purchased that treat medical conditions can have an unfortunate side effect of ED. The frivolous drugs like poppers or nitrite can be found in other names except Kamagra such as Kamagra, oral jelly, Zenegra, Silagra, Zenegra, viagra line , Caverta, and Forzest etc. In such sense, the result aims at that if contract a person, who are to position must be kind to this type of situations since they know the high degree emotional vulnerability that presents/displays the person before this type of facts. Some erroneous concepts Emotional intelligence does not mean ” simply; to be simptico”. At strategic moments they can require on the contrary to face plainly somebody to make see an important truth him, although it bothers, that is had been avoiding. Emotional intelligence does not mean to give loose rein to the feelings, ” removing to everything afuera”. On the contrary it means to handle the feelings of way so to express them suitably and with effectiveness allowing that the people work together without rubbing in search of a common objective. *Referencia: Notes, notes of the chair of organizational behavior, Phases UC .