Safety In The Traffic Circle gives tips to the set driving behavior of roundabout contributes to sustainable increase of safety in road traffic. In Germany, the circular intersection is”still quite rare. Holidaymakers but know that the roundabout at our European neighbours is one of the usual street scene. Spurs has plenty of information regarding this issue. As the Internet portal reported, many motorists in terms of proper behavior are uncertain and in the roundabout. The rules of the road in different countries differ so that special care must be taken during the holidays. The gives important tips magazine, is how the roundabout accident to happen.

The Supreme rule, should do well to heed everybody, is: one who travels within the roundabout has right of way. Wait for the driver who wants to travel into the gyro must. “Still lacking at the entrance the traffic sign grant right of way”, so the rule must be observed right before left. The Automobile Club ADAC points out, that the blinking when entering the roundabout is one of the most common errors. s open to suggestions. While the turn signal in this case is prohibited, the turn indicator when leaving is the gyro instruction. Here is to note that intersecting cyclists and pedestrians have priority.

In other countries, there are special rules to follow. For example, the rule applies in Austria right before left in the roundabout, if not a traffic sign is placed. The incoming traffic has right of way. Italy holiday-makers should note the southern mentality which does not always adhere to the also applicable priority rule. Also in France, which is right before left rule, yet there are exceptions where appropriate traffic signs priority in the roundabout is granted by the driver. Defensive driving and attention should be always paramount. More information: .

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With more investments by the sector players combined, local production has risen to about 27 million metric tons per annum, with the national demand estimated at between 17 and 18 million metric tons per annum. This TA will finance consulting services to prepare detailed engineering designs and bidding documents for Cao Lahn Bridge and the road that connects the two bridges.Consulting firm recruited under the TA will also assist the Government of Viet Nam with procurement of works and monitor construction, ensure the project s adherence to ADB s Safeguard Policy Statement, and help implement its social action plan, said Rustam Ishenaliev, ADB Transport Specialist s. Cement sand maker Hongxing producer reported first half sales of CHF10.4 billion (8.6 billion), up 2.1% year-on-year, while net income increased 0.9% to CHF624 million (519 million). The increase was fuelled by the emerging markets and North America, in particular the company’s divisions in the US, Mexico, India, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. The Ministry of Transport is the executing agency for the TA. It is expected that the engineering designs and bidding process will be completed within 2012 and construction will start in 2013.

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