Soviet Union

Bike – long forgotten by us means of transportation. Becomes less and less people on bicycles. The larger the city, the smaller bike. Bicycles as a means of transportation, not as luxuries were popular in the olden days, in the Soviet Union. With the development of society and the private accumulation of human capital, the bike people began to move to a more comfortable means of transport: cars, trolleys, buses and so on. But riding on the cycling has several advantages over cars and these benefits are significant. Contact information is here: Vanessa Marcil. Firstly, on a bike you do not have to spend money. This is an economical form of transport.

Once you have bought a bike, he can serve you for many years without causing any damages to you, no hassle. The car is much expensive. Have to spend on gasoline. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gary Katcher. And breakdowns in machines is very financially burdensome. Second, the health benefits of cycling off scale, as compared to other modes of transport. This is fresh air, and constant muscle load. The result is that there is a good mood, good spirits, which are so important to us in everyday life. Ride on bicycles, and it will bring you more good than riding in a car. Those who are only going to buy a bike, we recommend to look into the internet bike shop.