Linda Badam Brodowiner

You invest in your health: mobile smoking cessation directly on-site. Tony Parker helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. “Offer is valid for both companies and private individuals Linda Bolke by the company BODYVITAL mobile TURBO smoking cessation offering from 01.07.09 for companies, public bodies and individuals SoftLaser ear acupuncture” on locally. Transport costs within Berlin. . The SoftLaser acupuncture focuses specifically on the meridians on the ear, which are available with the addiction of smoking in connection and treats the addiction, aggression, frustration Council information, pulmonary and pain point among others. Advantages of SoftLaser Acupuncture: no injuries of the skin, eliminating no puncture is done infection risk absolutely pain – free and free of side effects effect occurs immediately with a single treatment, approximately 80% of the users are smoke-free. Second treatment free of charge within by z w o l f months, should have been the first treatment fails. Additional offers: adjunctive weight control, pulsating magnetic field therapy (the effect of intensified SoftLaser-Akupunktur), Bach flower therapy (stabilizes the psyche). Each client gets a free starter pack to support. Discount scale from 2 persons. Basic requirement for the success of smoking cessation is even taken decision to quit smoking and to hold with firm will permanently. What are you waiting for? Start today with the hearing on it is easier than you think! BODY VITALITY * Linda Badam Brodowiner ring 28 12679 Berlin phone: 030 / 20 45 58 58