Life And Death

The euthanasia is on to the moment of the death. Therefore, its debate in the field of the Biotica. The death is inherent the all capable alive organism of if developing, producing, or if to regulate, meaning in this in case that a death, atestvel fact, of biological nature, ocorrente in the order of the natural things. However, in the human being it becomes complex, therefore it only has conscience of its proper death (ARRUDA AND SPIDER, 1993). Destarte, the death is on to a existencial condition of the man, understood, in this case as: 1) beginning of a cycle of life for many doctrines that believe immortality of the soul; 2) end of the life cycle, rest, extinguishing of the suffering; 3) existencial possibility, where it is not a particular event, in the chronological direction, but always present possibility in the life human being capable to determine the basic characteristics of the same one (ABBAGNANO, 2007). The death concept is in the unconscious each one of us is convinced its proper immortality biological, obvious, enceflica, cerebral, legal and psychic (SIQUEIRA-BATISTA and SCHRAMM, 2004). The euthanasia if points out in the debates in relation to the life human being in its last act. Therefore its approval or refutation divides diverse opinions, calling the attention to think on: that right we have to draw out the life of a patient whom it does not desire to continue to live and it asks for that it ends its life? Until when if it can allow to sedar a pain, exactly that this is abreviamento of the life? The job of medical devices to draw out few weeks or hours to the one life in terminal phase is necessary or must be suspended? The patient has right to refuse to submit it definitive considered treatments extraordinary? In the case of an incapable patient, who has the right to answer for it? In case of disagreement between familiar doctors and, prevail the rights of who? It is advisable to legally strengthen the right of the familiar ones? (PESSINI AND BARCHIFONTAINE, 1997).