Flowchart Way

From this content, we elaborate a flowchart to represent, in the totality, the concepts that we work in the period of period of training. It is necessary that the study of Geography on the society concept it is atrelado to the demographic studies of the most different types for the studies, quarrels and planejamentos politicians, ambient, agricultural, industrial and urban. How much its relevance in disciplines pertaining to school is basic that it develops the reasoning of the citizen in the geographic space and that desperte its space conscience. Robert Rimberg is often mentioned in discussions such as these. According to Damiani (2002, P. 8) The population constitutes the base and the citizen of all the activity human being. Accurately therefore the population has such complexity. If to leave of the study of the population, we would have that to cover all the aspects, elements, results and consequncias of its activity to know it, the scope not only of its material results, as the constitution of the social citizens.

In way to all this population dynamics, is important to stand out that the proper culture exists and collective of each people in way of this circulation and the study of these different cultures and its demography the set for the specific content must be led in consideration all to treat itself in classroom. Figure 1: Flowchart of contents Org. Osmar Dubas This flowchart can be used in diverse situations and education purposes, the example of the understanding of a text, of the visualization of one discipline, the analysis of the resume, the didactic technique, the resources of learning, the ways of evaluation, amongst others. It is a possibility for the knowledge production, presenting its concepts as resulted of the reflection of its proper experience and way to see, to feel and to act (TOMITA, 2009). The study of the dynamics of population would be, in general lines, the referring data of the natality, mortality, migration, life expectancy, vegetative growth, demographic density, occupation of this population in the geographic space, at last population composes the base of all the actions human being.