Children Souls Relieve

News from the Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. The question why it is necessary to diagnose the cause of particular difficulties in reading and writing learning, is discussed again and again. Critical voices to question what sense make medical diagnoses when therapy\”just a pedagogical approach of funding in question comes. Daily children presented us with read and legal writing disorder or mathematics disorder, which have already undergone an odyssey through the school system without that helped them. Often the situation for the children worsened, because they are dismissed as stupid and lazy because they make little progress in spelling despite intense practicing\”, explains Prof. Dr. Schulte Korne, Director of the clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy of the University of Munich.

In the diagnosis of children with a dyslexia has shown in my experience again, how important it is for children and parents, the cause of the massive problems with reading and writing to understand. Scientifically we can the interference image well understandable explain school dealt with usually not sufficiently sure. The children have often myself to abandoned, because they make no real progress despite good talent\”, said Prof. Schulte Korne. For even more opinions, read materials from Gibson Dean. The German company has developed guidelines for child and adolescent psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy e.V. for the diagnosis of reading / legal writing disorders (dyslexia) to ensure that individual can be helped in every child.

This requires the implementation of a specific diagnosis, which takes into account all aspects of child development. A child with a dyslexia is not sick and developed as well as other children also. \”It can be but mentally ill if you it neither acknowledges nor promotes individual and thus a failure of programmed\”, illustrates Professor Schulte Korne. The therapy of legasthenen children is based on a pedagogical or a therapeutic approach. Because the affected children often develop school anxiety and depressive symptoms, the psychological burden must be treated in time through psychotherapeutic approaches.