The new tool is a two-row harmonica with a full chromatic scale and not with the family, and with 12 sounds. A new chromatic harmonica has turned unusually melodious and beautifully decorated. Shop Musical Instruments chromatic harmonic invention and creation of the orchestra are interested in some representatives of foreign firms. Kalb – on behalf of the Austrian company urged ni Beloborodov sell the patent for his invention. But being a true Russian patriot, he flatly refused to do so, even despite the difficult financial situation. Subsequently, with the chromatic harmonica systems Petersburg musician A.F.Orleansky- named ‘accordion’. At the end of the Civil War begins in the collective farm co-operative artisans to produce different harmonics. The first such gang was organized hormones master ap in Tula in 1922.
In 1930, the construction of the harmony of the factory started becoming a new form of enterprise for the production of harmonics. As a result, it has cooperated about six thousand people. In early 1943 based on the collective farm ‘Tula harmony’ was organized by the trade school to prepare the workforce for music production. Their desks then boarded the first 250 boys and girls. Six months later, the number of students doubled. The kids had to learn the profession builders, naklepschikov, tuners musical instruments, to become the successor of the glory of Tula craftsmen-masters of folk arts and crafts. Tula bayans proven an excellent tool.
Much attention was paid to their external finish. Shell veneer, then paste in the form of a set of different wood, then covered as armor, a metal ornament. Suppose there was a female libido enhancer that actually increased the man’s sexual tadalafil buy india desire, and at the same time. One sachet of tadalafil generic cheapest holds a perfect consistently estimation of 20 mg tadalafil. Its main advantages are the low price evaluating to the one of the typical cialis discount price The blue pill. WebMD realizes that level certain, Reallife opinions is a worthwhile system but it’s rarely an alternative to medical-related advice, Prognosis, And even consideration from a seasoned medical doctor. cialis pfizer The folds of fur flowed from some that the dark blue, then purple, or raspberry satin. In the hands of musicians such instruments looked especially bright and expressive. However, up to 60, the output of accordion and harmony was of uncoordinated. At the same time in Tula is a factory for the manufacture of metal products for a variety of musical instruments. Quite naturally there was an association of these enterprises. In 1963, a musical instrument appeared brand name combining ‘Submit’. The company team has sought to satisfy the most discriminating tastes of not only fans but also musicians. For high quality musical instruments Exhibition Committee enema said his product silver and bronze medals. New economic relations in the country in the early 90’s impact on the activity of a unique enterprise.
By 1993, production of accordion and harmonics are virtually ceased. But the workers’ collective found strength to revive traditional craft. Having in 1998 through bankruptcy, restoring solvency and returning his historical name ‘Tula accordion’ the company started to restore livelihoods. To this end, had to re-create all communication. However, the most complex was re-assemble the masters and to attract young people to develop the rare occupations that are not ready virtually anywhere. Today ‘Tula Accordion’ is not only preserved the range of manufactured products, but extends it by implementing design and technological development. Continuity in preservation of folk traditions will create a unique musical instrument – an accordion-new ‘Russia’, which in 2001 received a patent. The full range of company products ‘Tula accordion’ is available on the Internet store musical instruments Baston.