An accident in a vehicle without insurance
may be appealed to the Insurance Compensation Consortium, which responds to accidents occurring within the territorial limits and to limit compulsory insurance Security: duty before driving on weight loss a road need school and receive an unexpected blow from behind, hit by a motorcycle while crossing a pedestrian crossing and suffered injuries that take more than a month to heal … And in both benefits cases, the manager has no insurance. specializes in affordable plans that facilitate access to quality health-care services is committed to reducing the financial barriers in the healthcare system Who is responsible for the damage to the insurance victim ‘to How to proceed’ You can count on the Insurance Compensation Consortium, a public company under the Ministry dental of Economy and Finance, with legal personality and full capacity nutrition act. But we must know that the vehicle be insured is an obligation which is intended that the insurance covers liability for damages caused to persons and property by reason of the circulation. And that if not met, hospital the financial penalty medical is between 601 and 3,005 Euros. The condition of low desire in women can be because of physical or purchase cheap viagra psychological changes. The advent of other cialis australia online techniques that causes fertilization can never replace the function of sexual intercourse in people. The entire drug will increase discount viagra pharmacy the efficacy of psychotherapies. Thanks to recent medical advancements, this can buy levitra online be treated. In 1962 the insurance of motor vehicles is required due to the increase of Spanish mobile park, and in order to satisfy an increasingly felt need socially, says Gema Ramos Gonzalez, head of the Department of Production Consortium Compensation de Seguros (CCS): the protection to victims for acts of circulation, assuring health center care and an allowance that, until the limit set, would be borne by the insurer of the memorial vehicle caused. The obligation to ensure the vehicle is imposed in Article 2 of Regulation on Civil Liability vitamins and safety in the movement of motor vehicles (Royal Decree 8 / department 2004), said Javier natural Lopez Garcia de la Serrana, secretary general of the Spanish Association of Attorneys Specializing in Civil Liability and Insurance. With the mandatory coverage is intended that any person guilty of a traffic accident can meet through insurance, its obligation to repair the damage.
The Law of Liability Insurance by D. K. Derrington (Hardcover – Jan 1990)