Active Listening
For example, after we raised a serious problem is not advisable to use expressions like you preocupesu Eno, the world we problemasu ethod …- Using expressions of empathy, such as: eme I situacionu your account, epuedo asiu understand that you feel … It should be clarified to show empathy toward the partner does not mean agreeing with him. It is simply to acknowledge that he has grounds to act as act or feel how it feels. When We wish to encourage the other person talks .- When we want to meet someone or know what the problem .- When we report what they see as very important .- When faced aggressive feelings and words and we want to decrease .- When we want to calm you and create a positive relationship .- When we are communicating or reporting something and stops or shows signs of wanting hablar.yComo: 1.
For example, one can understand that in a situation of extreme tension, a co-worker slapped pull an object from his table, but understand the fact that reaction does not mean you have our approval and therefore together with a commentary on the stating that it understood their reaction would be one that disapproves express its action .- Active Listening: The ability to listen with understanding and care, that is, being attentive to what we are communicating. Active listening is an effort to understand, as subtly as possible, what people are saying, and that this will be evident to them. There are different ways to perform this active listening – Clarifying Show interest .- .- .- Parafrasear.yPor Summarize what and for what?: – Because the person who feels heard feel accepted and comfortable .- Because you are giving information that you are listening and encourages you to continue to communicate .- Because you can afford to get to the bottom of the problems .- Because if you listen is more likely you hear .- Because you are minor conflicts and improve the social climate .- For model shows a communication skill that will be observed and possibly imitado.yCuando?: – When they show desire to want to tell us something .-