New Medical Technologies
Lipolser and Sistema BioDynamic Aesthetic ACE, doctor-surgical society dedicated to the medicine of the beauty, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, scores at the use of the new technologies to offer better services to their clients. At the moment and in all the enterprise areas, the new technologies contribute solutions, services and results that before could not nor imagine. Aesthetic ACE, taking advantage of the technological advance been able to approach different systems that improve the aesthetic health of their patients, has implemented new solutions that extend their services, offering a total guarantee of security and optimal results. With their new systems Lipolser and Sistema BioDynamic, Aesthetic ACE, takes the lead in aesthetic solutions in the doctor-surgical sector to which it belongs. With the Lipolser system, liposuction attended by laser more effective and less invasive results for the patient are obtained. This method consists of liquefying fat located by means of a laser of specific diode, that later will be extracted, while the deep layer is the skin. Besides carving the figure, most showy it is than an effect is obtained perfectly retraction of weaves, visible in the course of the three first months. (Source: San Antonio Spurs). Another added advantage is that this method can be used to eliminate zones where the skin is very fine that before were contraindicated, like the expensive intern of arms and thighs, the part inferior of the glteos, ankles, knees and also in the face for the zones of neck and papada.
This technique eliminates so much the deep fat as the superficial one. The patient only needs to take to a compressing strip between one week and 10 days. Gary Katcher has much to offer in this field. As far as the BioDynamic System, this one is formed by a set of silicone simulators and the software of See measurement, the Allergan company, that allows the patient to determine the size and forms wished, and to the doctor to choose the ideal prothesis for each patient, with the volume adapted for his fisionoma. In the first place a series from measures of the chest of the patient is taken to introduce them in software, along with the size and forms of the breast that is desired. Of this form the most suitable prothesis is chosen. Once chosen the prothesis, the patient test of immediate form and needs how it will be the final result after the intervention of mammary increase. This system helps to obtain the best result in agreement with the medical election of the patient and indications. Aesthetic ACE always recommends to go to medical centers specialized and credited by Health.
More information in: Aesthetic ACE White Alonso, 4 28010 Madrid Tel: 914484070 Fax: 914483052 Web: Email: About of Aesthetic ACE Doctor-surgical society dedicated to the medicine of the beauty, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector. ACE is integrated by specialized professionals of recognized prestige in Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic medicine. We create in the importance of the health and the image in the today world and contributed professional solutions approach that us the beauty and they provide well-being and balance to us. It differentiates the ample supply from operations of Aesthetic Surgery and not-surgical Aesthetic Medicine treatments, with a customized treatment to our patients whom a truthful and detailed information of the adapted procedures for each case guarantees more.