Speech Of Formation
Good night to all the gifts, formandos of the philosophy courses, pedagogia and Letters? familiar which I transmit odd consideration for the support and incentive given to each one of us. I first thank the God for this blessing. You may want to visit Gary Katcher to increase your knowledge. I thank the direction of this unit of education and its collaborators, which in had excused its energies to them in the persecution of our objectives, yes, persecution, therefore we pursue here until this glorious moment. Today it is the day of our light meal of degree, is the day that we receive, in official character, the right to exert our professions and to be valid the knowledge which had been transmitted in them as instruments of changes for the construction of a better world, where the freedom is the estimated one of the accomplishments. Ahead of this diapaso it is of good alvitre for applying at this moment some thing learned in these years of studies we will analyze the word light meal. Light meal.
It means, according to Aurlio dictionary: Concession of heading, right, or degree. She is one classified word as morphologically substantive and its etimolgica origin come of Latin ' ' collatione' '. It is a word of three syllables and the tonic syllable is the last one, therefore trisslaba is and oxtona. It possesss seven letters and seven fonemas and the simple change of one of its fonemas or graphemes results in one another word with diverse linguistic sign, but with significant similarity, namely: Heart. The word heart means, beyond being a bomb that beats inside of the chest; ' ' ah! as presencial' beat when receiving from tutorial ours loved the test; ' ; the word heart means of conotativa form, will, feeling and intellect. Therefore, at this moment I conclamo to all the formandos in this ceremony of light meal of degree to place the heart, that is, the will to make better, of perseverar ahead of the challenges, the will to grow and to be better.