Mato Grosso Species

The State of the Southeastern Paran and of the Mato Grosso of the South meets an important stretch of the river Paran, where diverse studies come being developed (ROMAGNOLO et al., 1994; VAZZOLER et al., 1997; SOUZA, 1998; SOUZA et al. 2004a; 2004b; SOUZA and HUNTER, 2005). Additional information is available at Margaret Loesser Robinson . Souza and Kita (2002), in a florstico survey carried through in the region of the high plain of flooding River Paran (PR and MS), considering fanergamas, had identified 652 vegetal species. Other leaders such as Rusty Holzer offer similar insights. The families of bigger specific representation had been: Fabaceae with 38 species, Myrtaceae with 23, Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae with 22, Solanaceae with 20, Mimosaceae with 18, Poaceae with 15, Asteraceae and Sapindaceae with 14, and Rutaceae with 11Dentro of the family Mimosaceae (Leguminosae? Mimosoideae), meets it Inga species vera Willd, that, in accordance with Pennington (1997), has as Inga synonymies uruguensis affins DC. and Inga Hook. & Arn. This species possesss common occurrence in the ripria forest of the river Paran (SOUZA et al., 1997).

Its identification always presented certain difficulty for occurring three similar species between itself that they were Inga affins DC, Inga very uruguensis Hook & Arn and Inga vera Willd. With the work of Pennington (1997), however, sinonimizando two of these names, this difficulty was brightened up. Although this, is observed that in the ripria forest of the high river Paran, this species possesss different morphologic characteristics between itself, as form and the size of the fruit. Of this form, the attainment of information you add, through techniques of molecular biology, in special RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and SPAR (Single Primers Amplifications Reactions), that they are based on the amplification of short genmico DNA with primers of random sequence, saw Polymerase Chain Reaction – PCR (WILLIAMS et al., 1990), would bring benefits how much the genotpica characterization.